Activate your electronic equipment using voice command.
Use the “Smart Home with Voice command” app to control your electronic equipment via Android phone.
- Build your own circuit and learn how to use Arduino and Bluetooth module.
- Build your own circuit and learn how to use Arduino and Bluetooth module.
Tutorial below.
Smart Home with Voice Command (tutorial)
This is a step-by-step tutorial on building the circuit for Smart Home automation with voice command feature.
- Arduino Uno
- Resistor (220 ohms)
- Bluetooth Module (BlueSmirf / BlueMate Silver)
- Android app (Smart Home with Voice Command)
1st step
Connect all the components to your breadboard.
Figure 1 (Make sure all connections are correct)
2nd step
Figure 2 (Arduino Uno)
- Connect the Black wire to Gnd of the Arduino Uno (as shown in Figure 2)
- Connect the Red wire to Pin 12 of Arduino Uno (as shown in Figure 2)
3rd step
- Download the latest IDE at Arduino website.
- Copy & paste the code below to your Arduino IDE.
- Then, upload the code.
Figure 3 (Arduino IDE)
// code starts here
const int smartLed = 12;
byte smartHome;
byte smartHome;
void setup()
// Serial communication:
// smartLed as an output:
pinMode(smartLed, OUTPUT);
// Serial communication:
// smartLed as an output:
pinMode(smartLed, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
switch (smartHome) {
case 1:
digitalWrite(smartLed, HIGH);
case 2:
digitalWrite(smartLed, LOW);
case 3:
digitalWrite(smartLed, HIGH);
digitalWrite(smartLed, LOW);
void serialEvent(){
smartHome =;
digitalWrite(smartLed, LOW);
void serialEvent(){
smartHome =;
// code ends here
4th step
Figure 4 (Smart Home with Voice command app)
- Download & install mobile apps at Google Play Store
- Turn on your Bluetooth from your Android device.
- Press “Scan” and look for Bluetooth device (e.g. Firefly E5D6)
- Bluetooth name can be found at the top right side of BlueSmirf / BlueMate.
- Look for 4 characters (e.g. E5D6)
- Open your Smart Home with Voice Command app.
- Press “Not connected” and look for your Bluetooth device (e.g. Firefly E5D6)
- You should be able to see “Connected”.
- Start testing by pressing the circle ON/OFF button.
- Test the voice command by pressing the waveform then say “ON” to turn ON.
- Test the voice command by pressing the waveform then say “OFF” to turn OFF.
Additional information:
LED is a device that emits light when electricity passes or voltage is applied.
It consists of 2 terminals where long leg is positive (+) & short leg is negative (-)
Resistor is a device use to limit the flow of current.
Bluetooth Module
Solder all wires one by one except CTS & RTS they must be solder together as shown in below figure.
Figure 5 (Arduino Uno & BT module)
- Connect the following wires from Bluetooth module to Arduino Uno.
VCC = 3.3V
Gnd = Gnd
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